
Mariana Guedes Bahia
Porto (Portugal), 1979

Degree in Psychology – Clinical area – from the Universidade do Minho, Portugal (2002).
After the first contacts with the professional practice in the hospital field (S. João Hospital – Porto), I moved to Barcelona to continue my theoretical and practical training.

For three years I combined the realization of the Master in Cognitive-Social Therapy (UB) with the collaboration with various public and private entities (Septimània Association, CAP of El Prat de Llobregat, Servei Mancomunat d’Atenciò i Seguiment de Drogodependències Fontsanta, CAP Manso and Centro Labor-Nepp) practicing as a therapist and / or co-therapist, individual and / or group, trainer and lecturer among patients with different problems such as eating disorders, alcohol dependence, anxiety and depression problems. In this period my theoretical and practical background will be marked by constructivist and existential psychotherapy, in which I will continue to form continuously.

Opening of the MARGUEBAH Psychotherapy cabinet in September 2005, before concluding the Master in Cognitive-Social Therapy with an “Excellent” rating (March 2006).

From 2006 to 2010 I created and directed a private psychology consultation in a public infra-structure, the Can Bou Primary Care Center, in Castelldefels, serving young people and adults in an individual, couple and group format, building a bridge between the private and the public fields.
I received distance training as Family and Intergenerational Mediator in 2007, through IS Social Intervention and Family and Couple Association, in Seville.
In 2008 I started a business career complementary to the clinic, developing in the field of business strategy and marketing, in conjunction with the activity in the MARGUEBAH Psychology Practice.

I consolidated my experience in couples therapy through the Post-Graduate in Couple Therapy, (Universitat de Girona & Institut d’Estudis de la Sexualitat i la Parella), between 2009 and 2010.
In 2011 I studied at the ESADE business school, carrying out an international program of managerial development. Within the framework of this training, I conducted the Leadership Assessment and Development (LEAD) program, organized by Richard Boyatzis and Daniel Goleman, creators of the concept of Emotional Intelligence.
Between 2009 and 2015 I added and integrated to the previous my maternity experiences with my daughters Alicia, Inés and Clara.

In 2017, I started a Master’s Degree in Transdisciplinary Art Therapy and Human Development, by the Institute of Transdisciplinary Art Therapy of Barcelona (IATBA) and recognized by the European Graduate School, being part of its 17th class.
All through my professional career I have been integrated in a clinical case Supervision group, as a support to clinical practice.